Amy and I have a new article in the summer issue of Edible Nutmeg, focusing on the incredible connections our state has to the history of modern chickens. And a nice recipe for grilled Cornish game hens.
Sharing Stories at Kinlochard
I have a personal essay about one of my experiences in Scotland up at Berfrois, Sharing Stories at Kinlochard. Enjoy!
Shadows of Paris Wins a Silver Medal
Shadows of Paris has just been awarded the silver medal for Romance in the Foreword Reviews INDIE Book Awards!
Kurosawa's Throne of Blood as Zen Stick
Check out my latest essay at Berfrois, an analysis of the existentialist dilemma that has sucked the air out of Macbeth criticism for the last century, and how Akira Kurosawa's Throne of Blood may offer a little oxygen.
Shadows of Paris has won the Next Generation Indie Book Award
I am sharing the good news - Shadows of Paris has won the Next Generation Indie Book Award for best novella of the year. That is the second award since becoming a finalist in the Foreword Book Reviews Indie Book of the Year, for romance.
Quoted in The Atlantic
Recently I was interviewed by The Atlantic for a feature on the inequality of Fairfield County. You can read the article here.
The Truth is Not Wanted
Check out my article, "The Truth is Not Wanted," on Martin Amis's classic dystopian novel London Fields, which is up at Berfrois today. Of course, his dystopia looks a lot like our world right now.
The Real Tom Thumb
Real Stories on youtube has acquired the BBC4 Tom Thumb documentary that I was part of, and in some ways shaped with my book Becoming Tom Thumb: Charles Stratton, P.T. Barnum, and the Dawn of American Celebrity. It includes me saying the word "erotic" on network television, so that's something. Seriously, though, it is a fine documentary about one of Connecticut's favorite sons...and the world's first international celebrity.
Even More Reviews and Articles
I have another review up at Empty Mirror Books, of Eugen Herrigel's Zen and the Art of Archery. And I have another article up at Berfrois, on Sherlock Holmes, demon hounds, and the need for evidence-based scientific review. That's 14 articles I've written since December (a few of which have not come out yet). I'm working on another dozen, along with a new novel, and a new history book.
More Reviews at Empty Mirror
Check out my review of William Kotzwinkle's Swimmer in the Secret Sea and my review of J.D. Salinger's Catcher in the Rye at Empty Mirror Books.
Intervew and Article on Shadows of Paris
Check out the article and interview by the wonderful Amy Barry at the New London Day.
The Darkest Book of All
Check out my latest review/essay on Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness at Berfrois.
Used Books vs. Collectible Books
Check out my article on book barns, and the proper way (from the consumer's perspective) to make a successful used book store. On one of my favorite sites, Empty Mirror Books.
Portrait by Arib Alajmi
Recently, a former student of mine, Arib Alajmi, did this wonderful portrait of me. You can follow her wonderful art on Instagram or twitter.
Holes in the Canon: The Hartford Wits and Literary History
Check out my latest essay up on Queen Mob's Teahouse, on the Hartford (or Connecticut) Wits and their place in literary history. It is a plea for more historicity in our curriculum choices...but no, wait! It's actually a fun read. Check it out.
Article on our Collaboration
Amy and I were recently the subject of a wonderful article in the Connecticut Post. Read it here. We now have had a major feature article on the two of us in the four biggest Connecticut papers. (as well as many 'minor' ones) Next up, the New York Times? Well, a guy can dream.
Yours Truly at Queen Mob's Teahouse
Read my essay on the gentle art of writing letters on Queen Mob's Teahouse.
Black Tie Lunchbox
My good friend J. Timothy Quirk and comedienne KJ Johansen interviewed me on their excellent show on KBJB. Check out my appearance on the podcast Black Tie Lunchbox!
History's Continuum
Recently my wife (pictured here) and I were honored that the University of Bridgeport asked us to write a poem to be put on the outside of a time capsule in the new dormitory. They had it carved (?) onto this plaque, and it will be there for the next fifty years until it is opened. I think they put a couple of our books inside, too. It is a great privilege.
Pushcart Prize Nomination and Ebook
The Shadows of Paris ebook is out! Get a copy here. And even better news - the publisher nominated it for a Pushcart Prize! Fingers crossed.